Headliner Settings
Headliner needs some basic information about your organization in order to deliver your press releases. You'll want to configure your settings before publishing your first press release.
Click a button below to learn more about each setting or scroll from the top to start at the beginning.
Here you'll enter/edit the basic information about your organization
Company - Your organization's name
Mail - The email address associated with your Headliner account
Phone - Your default contact information USED IN HEADER???
Web - Your organization's website
Location - The address of your organization FULL OR JUST CITY???
Add a brief summary of your organization to this text field. This section will become a press release boilerplate that will automatically append your press releases. ACCURATE?
Connect your Headliner account to your company's social media accounts. I'M NOT SURE HOW THIS WILL WORK
Upload and save multiple logos for use in your Headliner press releases. You can save as many logos as you need and choose the appropriate one while sending your release.