Create a Release

The Headliner press release workflow is broken down into four steps. In the first section you will create your press release; adding your organization's branding, contact information, story text, images and videos. This screen is broken down into several smaller steps. 

Click a button below to learn more about each step or scroll from the top to start at the beginning.

When publishing a press release about people, you can draw attention to the people mentioned in your story: 

If your press release doesn't contain mention of individual people, advance to the next step. 

If your press release includes mention of specific people, click the toggle to add the name and contact information of the appropriate people:

Once their information is added, they will automatically get notified when your release gets published. 

If your press release includes mention of multiple people, Click the + Add another subject button to add more. You can add as many people to your press release as you may need.

Your press release will automatically appear online on unless you choose to keep it private. Stories hosted on Headliner's Newswire will be discoverable in search engines and shareable on social media. 

By default your story will appear online. To keep your press release private click the toggle button: 

If you choose to not publish your story online, your chosen recipients will see your emailed press release but it will be hidden from everyone else.

Your press release can either go out immediately or at a future day/time. Choose the option that best suits your needs:

The Send Now option will publish your press release immediately after checking out. The Schedule a time option will delay the release of your story until your selected time.

After clicking the Schedule a time option, use the drop down box to select the day and time your story will get published.

Your scheduled press releases will NOT go out to anyone prior to the date and time selected here. 

Every Headliner press release will have an information at the top of it to ensure that your audience knows who the story is coming from and who to contact should they have further questions. Here you will configure the basic information that will make up your press release's header. 

Much of this header information will be auto-filled for you, but you should review and adjust this information as needed. Here's a brief summary of the various elements that make up your header:




This is the branded image that will appear at the top of your press release. It should be a company logo that is no bigger than SIZE. Use the dropdown box to choose one of your previously uploaded logos or click the Upload new logo button to add a new image:

News From

The name that appears here will help readers immediately identify your business as the source of the press release they are about to read. Your organization's name will appear here by default, but you can change it if needed. 


The city listed here is typically the city in which your organization is based. It will default to the city and state saved inside your account, but you can change this location if your press release is related to events or entities in a different city. MISSING FROM DATELINE IN PREVIEW.

Website URL

Every press release you send helps drive traffic to your website. The website saved inside your Headliner account will appear here by default, but you can edit this information to direct them to a different website of your choice. 

Reply To

When a media recipient or personal contact receives your email, they may respond directly to the sender. Press releases sent through Headliner will all come from To ensure that you receive follow up notifications from recipients, you will want to change the email address in the Reply To field. Make sure that you have access to the mailbox for the email address that you add here. 

Media Contact

All press releases should include the name and contact information of somebody who can answer questions from the media and personal contacts. This information will appear at the top of the email they receive and also accompany the online version of your story. Include a name, email and phone number if possible. 

Check the Hide contact info online box tol keep your contact information off of Headliner's Newswire. It will still appear in any emails you send, allowing recipients to connect with you. 

Once your header is set up, you will begin to craft your press release. If your story is already written, simply copy and paste it into the matching fields in this section. If not, you can write your story as you go. 

There are three parts to every Headliner press release:


Your headline will introduce readers to your story. It will become the subject line of your emails and the title of your online press release. It will also become the url of your story on

If your press release also requires a second headline, click the  Add Sub-Headline button. This will open up a new text field where you can enter the additional text. 


The body of your story will immediately follow your headline. Enter your press release's text into the large text box. Include as many paragraphs of information as you need: 

The toolbar at the top lets you format your text. Here you can bold, italicize, strikethrough or change the size of your text. You can also add links, quotes, bullets and indents.

About Us

Lastly, you can configure your press release closing. If you previously saved a boilerplate/About Us in your settings, it will show up here automatically. You can make changes to this text here.


Multimedia helps press releases perform online and in mailboxes. Here you can add images and video to your press release:

Add Images

To add an image, either click the box to locate the file on your computer or drag and drop the files into your browser. After adding an image you can add a caption to accompany it. NO SAMPLE IMAGE OF THIS. MAX RESOLUTION INACCURATE.

If you need to add more images, simply repeat this process. You can include as many images as you'd like with your press release. 

Add Video

To add a video, your video must first be hosted somewhere online. Simply paste the URL of the video into Video URL box. You can then add a caption using the Add a description box.

When you are done creating your press release, click Next (Select Recipients) button to advance to the next screen and begin choosing your audience. DID WE ADD THE SELECT RECIPIENTS BUTTON TO THE BOTTOM?