
After selecting your recipients, you will review your press release one final time before publishing it. In this section you will see what your press release looks like and the people who will receive it.

Click a button below to learn more about each step or scroll from the top to start at the beginning. 

On the left side of the screen you will see a sample of what your emailed press release will look like: The header was configured back in the Create a Release section. If you're not happy with the press release or its header, click the Edit button to go back and make changes:


On the right side of the screen you will see a list of all of the people who will receive an emailed copy of your press release:

This list of recipients was configured inthe Select Recipients section. If you're not happy with it, click the Edit button to go back and make changes:

When you are done previewing your press release, click Next (Checkout) button to advance to the next screen and publish your press release.